Everything About Content Copywriting & Corporate Writing
|Everything About Content Copywriting & Corporate Writing
Content Copywriting & Corporate Writing is everything about creating content that attracts and converts.
Let me take you to a scenario.
Remember that burning question you had in the middle of the night when you got up to pee?
Your thoughts were in flashing neon.
“Why is my urine burning?”
It’s 3 am, and you think you’re dying, and basically, you’re in panic mode.
This shouldn’t be happening on my honeymoon. Surely! Your husband is sound asleep on the big bed.
You are on the throne, trying not to wake him up.
Do you remember that your friend used to annoyingly tell you “Go Google”?
What you have is Honeymoon cystitis or “honeymoon disease.”
Cystitis is an inflammation of your bladder that is usually caused by a bacterial infection. It could affect both genders, but it is most likely to affect women during the honeymoon.
This is triggered by increased sexual activity.
When peeing and the frequent urge to go to the bathroom, the burning sensation is caused by the urinary tract’s bacterial infection affecting the bladder.
Now you know what you got. It may be very unpleasant, but that it is not life-threatening in any way. Your next question is this, “What is the fastest way to get rid of cystitis?” and so forth.
Why Google?
Google is the first place you go for expert advice or an answer to a burning question. When the question is private, you feel embarrassed for the lack of knowledge or don’t know who else to ask.
When you enter a question into the search bar, those links that appear in your search results are the content.
Whether you know it or not, you consume content daily.
Content Is King Or Maybe Queen Or Queer?
Killer content comes with an attention-grabbing headline.
Let’s Explore Why Content Is King.
In the exciting world of digital marketing, B2B, and B2C, content is more important than ever before.
If you want to be at the forefront of all digital marketing strategies, you will need to generate good reliable, in-depth content to stand out from the rest.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to content marketing.
Instead, readers like you are attracted to reading informative, high-quality stories with authentic content that is entertaining and written with flair.
You don’t want to read a medical journal when you Google, right?
Me neither.
Like you, I want to read an article or feature that not only address my pain or immediate problem but presents the answer to me in a very pragmatic and personal way.
I like to know that I’m not left hanging at the end of the feature, but a clear solution is in sight.
I will be able to move forward to immediate pain relief and have the knowledge to prevent future pain!
So there must be a link or a page somewhere I can sign up to receive more valuable information.
This is called Call to Action.
What Is Content Creation?
Content creation is the process of generating topic ideas that appeal to your target audience or demographics.
You create or curate written or visual content around those ideas.
That information is made accessible to your audience as a blog, a news feed, video, infographics, or any other relevant format.
So, Why Is Content King?
A brand’s growth is dependent on its onsite blog or web pages to drive organic traffic.
This is the reason that content reigns the overall method of getting the eyeballs to your webpage.
High-quality, unduplicated content on a brand’s website impacts the search engine ranking.
The significance is this. It’s great for SEO.
Naturally written content with well-placed keywords can help a website rank organically for relevant search terms and keywords.
Having unique content regularly published with internal links to other relevant content will create authority and presence on the internet.
This will open up great opportunities to build a reputable backlink profile for your particular brand.
Queen Content Encourages Engagement
Like a Queen, good engaging content encourages users to engage with the brand. Think social media influencers, and you will get the idea.
The prettiest girl gets the most following.
She doesn’t have to be naked to be popular. Some of the most highly paid influencers are decently clothed because, primarily, they sell clothes online.
If she is naked, there is nothing else to sell except her body. If she sells the clothes, then she is a brilliant marketer able to generate profits.
One beautifully shot photo is a long flowing dress that can rake in many online orders through a commerce store.
Some Queen Content is written by ghostwriters or marketing agencies.
If you’re thinking I wish I could look like Model A, and write like her, think again.
Like all glamorous people online, these mini-celebrities are an industry upon itself.
Believe me; there are people on the back end who are makeup artists, photographers, marketing strategists, and of course, good content writers to help fill in the gaps.
No one can travel, take all the photos, eat all the food, go to all the parties, look glamorous, and publish a web post with good solid content every week on week!
It is impossible.
You will have to be awake, fully energized, and working 36hours/7 day/365 days!
What If I Write Queer Content?
Just as you would write, say fringe sciences, kawaii subculture, or even go-kart extreme racing, any niche that is a small market segment is still right to go.
Creating newsfeeds with Queer Content, filled with artistically themed rainbows, photos of same-sex couples kissing, and heartwarming coming out videos, all have their relevancy to a particular market segment.
A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused on.
It is good to find the right demographics to sell something simple for all of you wondering. Say a gold wedding band. Still, you need content to market it.
And Why not?
The market niche defines the product features to satisfy specific market needs and the price range, with good production quality.
Always remember that you are marketing to humans that want to feel connected.
Ah, that’s intentional…
Copywriting is not Copycatting!
“The X-Men are hated, feared, and despised collectively by humanity for no other reason than that they are mutants,” explains X-men writer Chris Claremont.
In the digital marketing arena, many are taught not to spend precious time writing content. Good content requires research. Excellent content requires a deep level of analysis.
Research takes time.
Time = Money.
Time = Life time.
This equals spending your time crafting ideas and writing them. Editing it and rewriting it.
A good copy, which may be just five words, will take good copywriting hours or even a week to dream it up.
It is not just words you type in a search bar and pronto, here’s the headline for your next marketing campaign.
Man Bites Dog, Ouch!
This is the most remarkable and memorable headline in journalism, which I learned from the Editor in Chief of the defunct Straits Echo (Penang’s first independent English newspaper published from 1903-1986).
Incidentally, Man Bites Dog (French: C’est arrivé près de chez vous, literally “It has Happened near your Home”) is a 1992 Belgian black comedy crime mockumentary written, produced and directed by Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel, and Benoît Poelvoorde.
Writing headlines is creative work.
Copycatting is so not cool. It is Plagiarism.
Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics.
That had been drilled into me since I was a child.
You will be hounded down and haunted by ghosts of editors pass. So hang your head in shame and never do that again!
What Is Content Copywriting?
The primary purpose of content writing is to entertain. Think of a book you enjoy reading. It could be an adventure or even a black comedy.
So if you could entice the online audiences by providing the same enjoyment of reading your favorite book, I think they will stay longer on websites.
They will engage more with you.
Like the way you’re engaging with me by continuing to read.
Copywriting means writing for the sake of promotional advertising or marketing.
Content copywriting means encouraging the readers to engage with the brand, whether they realize it or not.
The distinction lies in the purpose of writing it when it comes to content writing and copywriting.
What Is The Difference Between Viral Content And Evergreen Content?
Queues around the block for your branded “hot cakes” are the stuff of an entrepreneur’s wet dream. I was just saying.
What Is Viral Content?
Viral content is always great. In your mind, you may be thinking Viral Content creates the Buzz need for my business. Or you have heard that this is a killer tactic for product promotions.
The no of shares screams on the screen, and the Pageviews escalate to new heights.
That is good. All the partners are smiling, waiting for the sales to drop in. There may be a long queue for your branded “hotcakes.”
It is a whopping success for marketing campaigns when there’s mega hype for being the most sought “hot cake” with the ‘original flavor.’
But what you want is not viral content that heats up like your radiator on a hot day and boils over, shared to death.
Remember, viral content doesn’t mean prolonged traffic and can backfire badly with overexposure.
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What Is Evergreen Content?
You will want Evergreen Content that Google and other pages cite.
Most businesses don’t focus all their energy on creating Evergreen Content.
Evergreen content has long-term value, a longer lifeline, which continues to grow traffic and increase over time.
Some Evergreen content I have written continues to have a traffic spike that occurs months after its original publishing date.
Remember, the best Evergreen content attracts and speaks naturally to the reader. By resonating well, readers will naturally share the blog post as it is valuable and relevant.
All you need to do is ensure that the content is shareable via social media channels and sharing is intuitive and easy.
Why Would You Want To Hire A Content Creator?
Now that you realize that an engaged audience is more likely to consume the content, understand the brand message.
If your readers’ content resonates well, they will like or share the piece of content.
Otherwise, they’ll continue scrolling past on their mobile, and the content will disappear forever into the black hole of cyberspace.
Getting your brand message across is important.
Unless you are a natural English speaker or writer, you may not write something that appeals to your readers.
What’s Your Pitch And How Can You Help Me?
If you have been searching for a Good Content Creator and have read this post up to this point, it proves that my content is engaging.
You are curious to know more.
Good Content creates Brand Awareness, and you are seeking Authority in a saturated market.
You know that Good Content generates leads and sales.
Good Content is that that “sales” networker you meet at an event that dogs you and aggressively schedules an appointment at any hour to pitch the product.
What you need is an Advertorial Content that authentically engages with the brand without a blatant sales message.
What Is Advertorial Content?
Advertorial Content is a form of advertisement in the media in a newspaper, magazine, or website.
Advertorials are paid content, which adds value to your product/service.
This type of content shows consumers something new, or it solves a problem in their everyday lives.
Some of the Advertorial Contents I have written for paying clients have appeared on my travel blog, www.smartdory.com.
Free Is Not Good. Good Is Not Free.
The same adage applies to curate content.
In case you are wondering if I would agree to a barter exchange, the short answer is “No.”
You may want to resort to copying that block of content from the internet. No one can stop you from doing whatever. It’s like smoking. Put up bans nationwide, and yet…
Your family members could do that for you too. That is also a viable option for Free.
For genuine inquiries, please qualify yourself first.
You may contact me via email, and I arrange to meet with you first to understand the project.
Let’s have a cuppa coffee to see if we are a good match!
Hi Doris
The email link in this article and over at CONTACT isn’t working. Could you please email me at daphne@daphnelee.org? Thank you.